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Rate Adaptation in Congested Wireless Networks through Real-Time Measurements (Parallel & Distributed)
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Secure Data Objects Replication in Data Grid (Network Security)
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On the Performance of Content Delivery under Competition in a Stochastic Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Network (Parallel & Distributed)
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Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Fields for Intrusion Detection (Network)
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IRM Integrated File Replication and Consistency Maintenance in P2P Systems (Parallel & Distributed)
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Fault-tolerant Mobile Agent-based Monitoring Mechanism for Highly Dynamic Distributed Networks (Parallel & Distributed)
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Congestion Control of Transmission Control Protocol Based on Bandwidth Estimation (Wireless Network)
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Agent Based Efficient Anomaly Intrusion Detection System in Adhoc networks (Network Security)
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A Distributed Protocol to Serve Dynamic Groups for Peer-to-Peer Streaming (Parallel & Distributed)
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A Stochastic Approach to Image Retrieval Using Relevance Feedback and Particle Swarm Optimization (Image Processing)
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Conditional Shortest Path Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks (Wireless Network)
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Minimizing Delay and Maximizing Lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks With Any cast (Wireless)
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Opportunistic Routing in Multi-radio Multi-channel Multi-hop Wireless Networks (Mobile Computing)
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Optimal Jamming Attacks and Network Defense Policies in Wireless Sensor Networks (Wireless Network)
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MABS: Multicast Authentication Based on Batch Signature (Network Security)
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TDMA Scheduling with Optimized Energy Efficiency and Minimum Delay in Clustered Wireless Networks (Mobile Computing)
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Deriving Concept-Based User Profiles from Search Engine Logs (Data Mining)
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Inside the Permutation-Scanning Worms Propagation Modeling and Analysis (Network Security)
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Privacy-Conscious Location-Based Queries in Mobile Environments (Parallel Computing)
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Achieving Guaranteed Anonymity in GPS Traces via Uncertainty Aware Path Cloaking (Mobile Computing)
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A Competitive Study of Cryptography Techniques over Block Cipher |
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A Dual Framework and Algorithms for Targeted Online Data Delivery |
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A Foundation for Stochastic Bandwidth Estimation of Networks with Random Service |
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A Fuzzy Self-Constructing Feature Clustering Algorithm For Text Classification
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A Link-Analysis Extension Of Correspondence Analysis For Mining Relational Databases
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A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Disease-Treatment Relations in Short Texts
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A New Approach for FEC Decoding Based on the BP Algorithm in LTE and WiMAX Systems
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Analysis on Credit Card Fraud Detection Methods |
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Caching Strategies Based on Information Density Estimation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
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Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure |
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Dynamic Channel Allocation for Wireless Zone-Based Multicast and Broadcast Service
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Dynamics of Malware Spread in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks |
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Effective Navigation of Query Results Based on Concept Hierarchies |
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Embedded Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes |
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Fast Simulation of services avalibility in mesh network with dynamic path restoration
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Going Back and Forth Efficient Multi deployment and Multi snapshotting on Clouds
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Intrusion detection An Energy efficient approach in Heterogeneous WSN |
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Live Streaming With Receiver-Based Peer-Division Multiplexing |
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Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm |
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More Secure Steganography Method in Spatial Domain |
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Nymble Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks |
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Online Intrusion Alert Aggregation with Generative Data Stream Modeling
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Optimal Bandwidth Assignment for Multiple Description Coded Video |
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Optimal Stochastic Location Updatees in Mobile Ad Hoc Network |
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Robust Video Data Hiding Using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding And Selective Embedding
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SAT A Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks
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Scalable and Cost-Effective Interconnection of Data-Center Servers Using Dual Server Ports
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Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing
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Secure High-Throughput Multicast Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks |
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Sketch4Match – Content-based Image Retrieval System Using Sketches |